50 Books for Traders and Investors
A partial 🐿️ answer to the 'recommended finance reading' question
A non-exhaustive list of recommended reads. Yes, Confessions of a Stock Operator is in there, but we all know what happened to him…
This is just compiled from what is currently on the shelf. Am sure this list is missing some absolute modern and ancient classics. Please let me know what they are in the comments!
Don't know if you have read it but "Tomorrow's gold" by Mark Faber is really a great book for this moment. it was written in 02, after a tech bubble right before USD decline and comodities and EM outperformance.
Some teachings in the book are timeless & eye-opening. Other permit to put in perspective what we might hear again today (de-dollarisation, gold standard...). IMO a great book that every cycle/value investor should read